Jackie Dooley (past SAA president and part of the OCLC Research team) has posted a series of articles reviewing recent digital archivist job postings on the OCLC Research blog, hangingtogether.com. Of the nineteen job postings listed in a recent two week period, she calls out our posting as one she especially likes: it avoids some of the vagueness that has been prevalent in digital archivist postings over the last few years, and the job responsibilities are appropriate for the level of the position. She continues writing about the job listings in another post, discussing the responsibilities presented in the job descriptions. In her final post she discusses the skill set required for digital archivists. Both posts include blurbs from our listing. It’s nice to see our job description highlighted in such a way - it shows we’re on the right track as far as shaping D-Team openings, and we’re also effectively communicating that to the audience of job seekers.