A number of changes have recently been made to our XTF discovery interface system.

The most obvious one is that we’re now calling the system DIMES, which was a name chosen a while back in a naming contest which you all voted on. Congrats again to Laura for coming up with the winning idea! Along with this name change, we’ve also changed the URL for the system to http://dimes.rockarch.org/xtf/search.

You’ll also notice some new features, including a feedback form, a page explaining the site’s name (with a lovely picture of Senior in action) and the ability to see collections sorted by the most recently updated. The bookbag feature has also been reworked based on your very helpful feedback.

A number of other “under the hood” changes have been made to the system to try and improve its speed and accuracy. We have also moved the system to a new host outside of the RAC network, which we hope will improve its uptime as well.

As always, please let me know if you have questions, see something that needs fixing, or have an idea for improving an existing feature or adding a new one!