Like many of our archivist colleagues, the D-Team is gearing up for the Society of American Archivists’ Annual Meeting, held this year in Atlanta, Georgia. If you’re interested in catching up with us there, here are some of the things we’ll be doing:
Patrick will be speaking about our ArchivesSpace implementation process as well as our human-centered approach to systems implementation which seeks to involve and empower users at You Are Not Alone! Navigating the Implementation of New Archival Systems. He’ll also be attending the Web Archiving, EAD Roundtable and Description Section meetings; see his complete attendance schedule here.
Hillel will present Critical Work: Archivists as Maintainers, a brief paper which looks to theorize archival labor as maintenance work, at the 10th Annual Research Forum. He’ll also be participating in the TS-DACS annual meeting, and will play some rock and roll with archivist colleagues at the AV Archives Night.
Bonnie will not be in Atlanta, because she is attending the Code4Lib New York State conference, which overlaps with the SAA Annual Meeting. Among other sessions, she’ll be attending a session on Fedora 4 led by Esmé Cowles and Andrew Woods.